New Episodes Weekly!
Oct. 20, 2023

Tales from the Dome + 1987 Black Monday + Bond and Real Estate Markets

We open with Saints sadness after a night in the Dome. Then on the anniversary of 1987’s Black Monday, we’ll look back at that historic day and how it compares to today’s choppy market. We’ll then take a deep dive into the bond and real estate markets before examining a narrative shift where good news is actually good news again.

Key Takeaways

  • [00:17] - The Saints are no longer fun
  • [03:45] - Looking back at the crash of 1987
  • [07:11] - How today’s choppy market compares to that historic downturn
  • [09:53] - The asymmetric bond risk to the positive we’re seeing right now
  • [13:15] - Predictions on the Fed raising rates
  • [14:48] - Mortgage rates hit 8%
  • [21:58] - Is good news good again and bad news bad?


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