New Episodes Weekly!
Aug. 16, 2024

Narrative Ping Pong: Recessions and All-Time Highs

After seeing a 10% correction, the markets are knocking on the door again near record levels. It's never boring, and that’s why we love these weekly dialogues with you. We’ll also chat about what Chevron’s new drilling tech, the Super Bowl, and hurricanes mean for our local economy, and we’ll end —as we seemingly always do—with where we think rates are going. 

Key Takeaways

  • [00:18] - Walmart, Amazon, AI + what the data is saying about a recession
  • [06:24] - Chevron rolls out new drilling tech + what it means for our region
  • [11:28] - The impact of the Super Bowl + local real estate issues
  • [16:40] - Societal changes from drinking less to not wanting a driver’s license
  • [21:11] - Where are rates going?

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