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March 29, 2022

Economic Development and Trends in New Orleans with Peter Ricchiuti

In this episode, Doug and Greg talk with Peter Ricchiuti, Founder and Director of Burkenroad Reports.

Peter started Tulane’s nationally acclaimed student stock research program Burkenroad in 1993. Since then, he has mentored hundreds of students about underpriced and overlooked stocks in southern states. Before that, Peter also served as the Chief Investment Officer for the state of Louisiana.

Peter talks with Doug and Greg about overlooked stocks, the impact of the pandemic on the decline in birth rate, and trends in the markets of different states, especially New Orleans.

Key Takeaways

  • [03:30] - Stock Under The Rocks.
  • [04:40] -  The Burkenroad Mutual Fund.
  • [07:46] - Peter’s insights on the future of the markets.
  • [09:01] - How COVID sped up the progress of inflation.
  • [15:56] - What’s the Baltic Dry Index?
  • [17:06] - What happens after an inverted deal curve?
  • [22:05] - How big is the impact of the top six companies?
  • [24:16] - Why you should not focus on the market-cap-weighted index.
  • [25:41] - Do oil companies affect other entities in the market?
  • [28:00] - Can Louisiana be a renewable state?
  • [32:35] - Pumping money into startups in New Orleans.


[20:31] - “I think one of the big problems we have in the country is tremendous income, inequality, wealth inequality, economic opportunity inequality. And I think that's leading to a couple of big trends.” - Peter Ricchiuti

[22:55] - “Indexing in other asset class, small-cap, mid-cap stocks, international, they just look flat out more inviting. On the international side, I think the average American has 90% to 95% of their money domestically. And yet, 50% of all stocks are actually non-US. And these countries are growing faster.” - Peter Ricchiuti


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